Website Tidy Up
Website Tidy Up avatar

I have finally found some time to add some green to my logo (for the website) as the normal M0INI part is black, but this wouldn’t show on a black background theme.

I have also found time to update the text on my website due to the UK amateur radio license changes, and the removal of the mention of my air band radio license now that I am no longer a helicopter pilot.

I must remember to keep my stations website more up to date..!

Red Rose Summer Radio Rally 2024
Red Rose Summer Radio Rally 2024 avatar

Red Rose Summer Rally 2024
West Manchester Radio Clubs summer Red Rose Rally

Yesterday, as club secretary, I visited the summer Red Rose radio rally organised by my club, the West Manchester Radio Club.

The clubs usual hall was out of action, so we were asked to hold it in a much smaller room.  It was quite tight getting all the vendors into such a small space, however, it it was managed.  Our chair, Les, was busy with his own stand, so I was asked to thank everyone for coming and do the raffle draw with the RSGB.  Lamco and the RSGB were sponsors of the raffle,  and a small digital hand hand was raffled at the event.

All in all, a lovely little radio rally and I am proud to be the club secretary.

In order to visit the next rally, please see this link…